If you could just, by spending an hour waiting in line and then voting for the candidate of your choice, make your life much better….wouldn’t you? How to explain why so many people don’t vote, even when a vocal minority of Americans — joined by a raucous chorus of...
Dear Fellow Pathworkers, In our next meeting, we will discuss Lecture 190, “Importance of Experiencing All Feelings, Including Fear — the Dynamic State of Laziness.” From the Lecture: “Some time ago, I was asked to discuss the problem of...
Dear Fellow Pathworkers, This Friday at 7pm, we will discuss Lecture 126, “Contact with the Life Force.” This Lecture posits that within each of us, there is a source of wisdom and infallible intuition, which is an aspect of the life force. From the...
What do we do when we want love and fear having it at the same time? What are the beliefs we hold about love that may be creating such a bind? How does a fear of our own true self-expression keep us from love? How do our demands of others – a fear of their true...