Dear Fellow Pathworkers,
In our next meeting, we will discuss Lecture 190, “Importance of Experiencing All Feelings, Including Fear — the Dynamic State of Laziness.”
From the Lecture:
“Some time ago, I was asked to discuss the problem of laziness. There is an intimate connection between the problem of laziness and feelings that have not been fully experienced. Do not look at laziness as an attitude to be given up at will, if only the person would finally come around to being reasonable and constructive. This is not a moralistic issue at all. Laziness is a manifestation of apathy, stagnation and paralysis, a result of stagnant energy in the soul substance. Stagnant soul substance is the result of feelings that have not been fully experienced or expressed, and therefore their significance and true origin have not been totally understood. When feelings are not thus experienced, understood and expressed, they accumulate and stop the flow of the life force.”
We meet at the home of Traci and Joel Rosow, 107 East 38th Street, apartment 4B, on December 17, 2021 at 7pm. You must be fully vaccinated. If you will be present in person, please RSVP. We will record the discussion for later viewing so that the insights we develop are available to a wider audience.
Here is the Zoom link:
Topic: Lecture 190 — The Importance of Experiencing All Feelings…
Time: Dec 17, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 858 4662 8646
You can read Lecture 190
With love,
Traci and Alan